
Kelvin Apari

Student, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital

Stefan A. Carp, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology, Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Biomedical Engineering, Athinoula A Martinos Center, Dept of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital

Rick M Dijkhuizen, PhD

Professor, Biomedical MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands

Coby A. Dodelson

Research Staff, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital
Coby grew up in Chicago and graduated from Colorado College in 2021 with a degree in Neuroscience. He is the clinical research coordinator for the CCNI group.
